GINGER: Cyber-Gyrinx

I like cats, I like robots and I like miniatures, ergo I present G.I.N.G.E.R (General Intelligent Nullification and Galactic Exploration Replicant) GINGER is my entry into the “Future Wars Painting Club” on LAF.  The model is a “Robo-Cat” from Crossover Miniatures.  Its quite a titchy little thing.

Friskers the Gyrinx

A pink, bat-winged cat from Beastface Miniatures.

Gyrinx #2: Rampage

Not actually the second gyrinx, but the second post about gyrinx (whats the plural of gyrinx anyway?  “Gyrinx” surely, like “sheep”).  Its probably not going to be the last post about space cats around here either…


I got a little distracted from my ongoing and quite substantial DreadBall project over the last few days and painted these two guys.  I did base one of the figures for use as a DreadBall coach though, so I didnt get completely sidetracked. These furry little predators are domestic cat models bought from the sadly very […]

What, Blue Pussycat? Whoa, whoa, whoa!

This was revealed by Duncan on Warhammer TV a little earlier today Its a non-canonical blue gyrinx, the second ever 40k model of their psychic space cat… …and its entertainingly similar in colour to my non-canonical blue gyrinx 🙂

2015 = 129 Completed Pieces

I got 128 129 miniatures and terrain pieces ready for the tabletop in 2015, as presented below.  Click on the images for more details: EDIT: I forgot to add this model, as it was sent off to the group project that it was part of just before Xmas. 128 129 “items” isnt too bad. About […]

Oh Hai Cassis

I painted another tiny space cat. Im involved in an online RPG with some toy soldier buddies at the moment.  Its a lovingly prepared framework of shenanigans with the express purpose of encouraging us all to try to make each other laugh, in spaaace.  My character – L’Oreal Wangst: Eldar Outcast psychically bonded with a gyrinx recently, […]


“SQUIRREL!” “This Fall, hes gonna hide YOUR nuts for the Winter….” (rating TBC)

Pulp 40k Alley: Firebase Fracas

Human/alien hybrids with 1980s synth pop affectations, motile and monosyllabic trees, fascist space-halflings, moustachioed mankini garbed ork geniuses and rapid fire ion blaster wielding anthropomorphic raccoons and a load of robots are only some of the things that collided at Firebase RB96 last Saturday.

2014 = 144 Painted Miniatures

I got 144 miniatures painted in 2014.  It is a pretty decent total.   Some of the items in the tally are small, quickly painted affairs while others are far more significant in terms of their size and the corresponding resources that they demanded.  I figure that those differing subjects balance out in general, so each […]