“Standard Falls” Shanty Town: Pt3

After assembly, painting and varnishing some tarting up of the pieces was the final thing left to do for this stage of the Standard Falls project.  Lots of photos after the jump…

“Standard Falls” Shanty Town: Pt2

After assembling the elements of my post apocalyptic shanty town I sprayed most of the pieces black.  I left the wooden signs unsprayed as I wanted to try painting them with washes and a little drybrushing and to leave the existing wooden colour show through a bit.

“Standard Falls” Shanty Town: Pt1

I warbled about getting my post apocalyptic town ready for gaming with just over a year ago.  The setting and my conceptual plan are loosely detailed in that post. I finally got around to working on the town itself over the last few weeks, only one year later than I intended…

Fort Hardknox

I painted a post-apocalyptic, scrap fort from Fogou Models. It’s shiny AND chrome and I painted it in three working days/24hrs approximately, over a bank holiday weekend.

Dracula’s America in Spaaace.

I have been gearing up to some Dracula’s America (in Spaaace) gaming for several months.  theottovonbismark and Mr Saturday were caught up in the perilium rush enthusiasm and headed to Standard Falls (via Uncanny Valley) recently and we played some games. I was lax about taking photos this time around, but Mr Saturday grabbed a […]

Pulp Alley Apocalypse War (and PA40k)

I hosted a gaming weekend this weekend, with Just John, Mr Saturday and PB in attendance.  Pulp Alley games were centre stage, with one of the encounters including models from the Judgement Day project that Mr Saturday and I are currently engaged in.

Pulp Alley/Antares weekend.

I spent last weekend playing toy soldiers with Just John.  The games ended up having a somewhat festive (a science fantasy, post-apocalyptic, 2000AD, WWI, mash-up sort of festive) theme.  Some photos of the two Pulp Alley and single Beyond the Gates of Antares games that we played follow.

Pulp Alley Inquisitor – The Ragna Rock Pt 1

  Last weekend PB and I explored more of the arse-end of the 40K universe in miniature.  The quest for the Ragna Rock was realised using the Pulp Alley rule set.  This proved to be the best gaming decision that either of us has made for quite some time…  =][=nquisitor The Ragna Rock – Act 1 -“Where the […]

Rogue GorkaMunda Weekend

theottovonbismark and I got together to play some daft and highly entertaining skirmish games set in the 40K universe last weekend. The scenarios were many, varied and unlikely and not a point value was used for the duration.  The games that we played were largely dictated by a desire to use some of the many […]

7TV Inquisitor Pt 3

  ——————— =][=nquisitor A Matter of Honour – Act 2 – Rescue