Ghost AAAARRRRrchipelago

It be scallywag o’clock on the not-so-good ship Sho3box…

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I am Char’lee Krown


Motile, humanoid, alien plant-people are hot right now, so I decided to bandwagon jump.

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Eldar Exodite Plans

I am working on Exodites at the moment.  None of the project elements are fully finished yet, but progress has been made.  This post is an exercise in getting a number of my thoughts down in one place, so it might meander a bit.  Here goes…

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Ferro Beasts

Ferro Beasts

Ferro Beasts

A speed painted addition to the Alien Flora & Fauna project today, with these Reaper Bones Oxidation Beasts standing in for Rogue Trader Ferro Beasts.   Continue reading

More Necron Scarabs



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Dryad Familiar

Dryad Familiar

“Stumpy” – Dryad Familiar

I painted this tiny little fella on a whim a week or so ago.  Its another Reaper Bones miniature, this time some sort of woodland spirit or alien stick insect sort of thing.  Like most familiars, its quite small.

"I think that the little guy is trying to tell us something..."

“I think that the little guy is trying to tell us something…”

Although the miniature is presumably designed to be used as some sort of magical, dryad sort of creature, I hope to get around to using it as some sort of camouflaged alien species in a future game.

Alien Space Bats

Alien Space bats (and Judge Death, acting all theatrical)

Alien Space Bats (and Judge Death doing his impersonation of Sesame Streets “Count”)

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Zegema Beach Zephyrs – DreadBall Asterian Team

Zegema Beach Zephyrs

Zegema Beach Zephyrs

This bunch of dirty, cheatin’, skinny space-folk is my newly painted Asterian (space-elf) DreadBall team.  As of last Saturday the Zephyrs are now the “UK & Ireland Ultimate DreadBall ChampionsContinue reading

Catachan Devil

Catachan Devil

Catachan Devil

The creepy crawly kicking off my Alien Flora & Fauna project is a Reaper Frost Wyrm that I mined from COMs Reaper Bones mountain.  I very quickly painted it to represent a classic death world predator from the Rogue Trader 40K era. Continue reading

More Brain Aliens


I painted some Ramshackle Tentacle Brain models recently.  I enjoyed painting the figures a lot and I liked the uncompromisingly daft pulp sci-fi look that they had, so I added some more brain and tentacle related models to the group to turn them into a larger skirmish sized force. Continue reading