Lunar Industries Lampreys – DreadBall Nameless Team

Lunar Industries Lampreys

Lunar Industries Lampreys

My first finished DreadBall Season 3 team consists of these… things, a collection of sort of crustacean, sort of squid aliens collectively called the “Nameless”.

Lunar Industries
(from designer Gavin Rotherys page (click for link). Used for reference only, so I hope that he doesnt mind)

Lunar Industries is the corporation from Moon, which is a fantastic movie, one of my favourites.  If you havent seen it then you really should make it happen.  Lunar Industries is therefore the imaginary sponsor of my imaginary space fishmen sporting team, The Lunar Industries Lampreys.

I was tempted to paint the Lampreys in a light grey/white, dark grey and orange scheme to match the logo, but I have painted too much light grey and white over the last while, so I didnt.  I am capable of painting a nice off-white, but it tends to be a little time consuming.  As I needed to get quick turnover with these guys (I want to get a second team painted within a short timeframe) I went with a yellowy-brown and blue approach on the players flesh and shells, with mixed results.  The artificially armoured parts of the Lampreys are dark grey and orange though, so that ties in with the logo to an extent at least.

Lunar Industries
(from designer Gavin Rotherys page (click for link). Used for reference only, so I hope that he doesnt mind)

Two "sticky" guards.

Two Nameless “sticky” guards.

The miniatures for this team are a mixed bag.  I quite like the clawed, crusty guards supported by a mess of tentacles (the “Hard” guard) and the squid headed guard (the “Sticky” guards above, regular player versions of the “John Doe” MVP).  

As the colour scheme that I chose for these miniatures is tied to their skin and exo-skeleton tones I had a problem with the squishy and therefore blue-less sticky guards.  I painted some blue patterning on their heads to tie them in with the rest of the team and ensure that they didnt look too spartan.  I think that it worked, YMMV.

Nameless Striker

Nameless Striker

The lobster-like strikers dont look quite right to me.  Apart from the oddly static, symmetrical pose, the model is very large, a lot larger than its Striker player position status and game stats would indicate.  I would rather that they were a little more slight.  They also had some sort of design issue that required this sculpt to have extensions put on the bases, which isnt ideal.  But I got over it.  Im zen like that, like a zen aqua space dude.

The Strikers are hard to photograph.  They look a little better viewed top down (as they would be seen during a game) than they do in the eye-level photo.  Check out the group shots for views that give a slightly better idea of what they look like.

Prone Nameless

Prone Nameless

With the recent release of DreadBall Season 3, all of the teams now have access to “prone” models.  There was a demand for these during the Kickstarter, although generally I dont  think that mine will get used much. People wanted them though, so fair enough.  Some of the prone figures for the various teams are actually quite fun too.

Prone markers are more useful for some teams than others.  The Nameless have two distinct player types that are quite large models that take up a lot of space when lying down on the pitch, so the Lamprey prones might actually get some use.

The Sticky Guards represented on the prone marker look like puppets with their strings cut.  Appropriate for gooey squidmen I guess.

Nameless "Hard" Guards

Nameless “Hard” Guards

EDIT: I just spotted the chip on the white part of the base on the guard on the right above.  By the time you read this it will have been repaired.  

My favourite models in the Lamprey line up are definitely these guys, the “Hard” guards.  The notion of sharing an after match shower with a two and a half metre tall lobster-squid is the sort of notion that I find amusing.

The fleshy areas on the Lampreys are painted a yellowy brown in the same way that I painted the tentacles on my Tentacle Brains Tenebrainians.  The blue areas were painted in a similar way to the armour on my Catachan Devil, except with blue rather than red obviously.  It gives an inky, deep blue that didnt work out quite as well as I had hoped, but is still sort of cool all the same.

Nameless Hard Guards Rear.

Nameless Hard Guards Rear.

The blue carapace areas on all of the team got a gloss varnish.  I dont really know if that makes sense biologically speaking, but I like it.  I figure that sentient creatures with shells may well polish and decorate them, caring about their appearance in a similar way to humans getting their hair cut, wearing make up and pulling stray hairs out of their nostrils.  Or maybe space tentacle lobsters just have shiny shells.

L to R: Nameless Sticky Guard, Namelss "John Doe" MVP, Nameless Sticky Guard

L to R: Nameless Sticky Guard, Nameless “John Doe” MVP, Nameless Sticky Guard

I considered matching the Lampreys colour scheme to the one that I used on the John Doe MVP earlier this year, but it didnt fit with what I wanted to try on the carapace areas on the figures, so I didnt.  When I paint the Nameless Spawn Giant figure (soon) I will likely use the same John Doe scheme to differentiate it as a free agents, like John Doe.

L to R: Nameless Hard Guard, Corporation Human, Nameless Sticky Guard, Veer-myn Striker, Nameless Striker.

L to R: Nameless Hard Guard, Corporation Human, Nameless Sticky Guard, Veer-myn Striker, Nameless Striker.

I have a few more players to paint up for this team before its finished, but for now I have enough done to get them breaking heads on the pitch.  I hope to revisit all of my DreadBall teams to get the extra players done over the next couple of years, but for now these fish-folk are ready to do their thing.

Lunar Industries Lampreys, doing their thing.

Lunar Industries Lampreys, doing their “thing”, as discussed above.

17 Responses

  1. They look pretty good to me. I approve of this very striking colour scheme. It fits in nicely with the board’s colours. Those figures have some issues in terms of game ergonomics but have a lot of charm in a general miniatures appreciation sense. I could totally make some sweet sci-fi alien bounty hunters from them – hopefully Mantic will follow up with some sci-fi versions in future.


    • Thanks. After struggling to get the team painted last week and only finishing them yesterday, Im in the mood for a bit of canvas slashing: all that I can see are the errors. I think that they will grow on me a little once I have some distance.

      Many of the DreadBall races have been transferred through to the Warpath universe, primarily via the Deadzone game, released to Kickstarter backers early next month. I suspect that all of them will make it through sooner rather than later with new species from Deadzone coming back in the form of DreadBall teams too.

      One of the named Deadzone characters is a Nameless assassin called Codename: Oberon. He is one of the “sticky” guard type Nameless. A shot of the model can be seen HERE.

      The Rebel faction (known as “Rebs” for some stupid reason) is essentially Firefly browncoats allied with Mos Eisley types. Its a pretty cool looking toy soldier project.


      Lastly, one of the final things added to Mantics Mars Attacks Kickstarter before it ended at midnight last night was a squad of alien bounty hunters. So no shortage of that trope at the moment, not that I am complaining 🙂


      • No need to slash the canvas with these chaps I would be very happy fielding painted figures of this quality and I would not get them finished in half the time you did.

        I am pleased with the focus on scifi stuff from Mantic to be sure. They will be a chief provider of alien bounty hunters in 2014 no doubt.


        • Thank you “Iron Chancellor”. Turnover is the watchword. Gotta get them done, gotta work smarter not harder.

          Alien bounty hunters are like lizardmen and robots: all sci fi should feature them.


          • Samurai Jack has some great inspiration for alien bounty hunters (as well you know 🙂 ) so I hope the sculptors are paying attention to it!

            Turnover is important. Being temporarily burned out on epic minis and in the spirit of Oldhammerness, I have been working on a bunch of Prince August Viking types recently to see how quickly I can get them painted up using preshading spraying and army painter dip techniques. They are some of the few Prince August moulds figures that are not too bad looking, perfect for refining unit painting techniques as I don’t feel that I am doing a half arsed job on nice antique figures. I need to get more practice with the army painter dip as it is a pragmatic solution if you will pardon the pun. Sometimes figures look great and sometimes they look shit – seems like a brown based scheme is the way to go though. Posting to follow on it no doubt.


            • Samurai Jack takes the bounty hunters from The Empire Strikes Back and runs with the concept in an animated no-budgetary-concerns fashion. I love Samurai Jack. My main complaint about it is that because its such a visual programme that I cant get any painting done if its on. I dont have that problem with Star Trek for example 🙂

              Frustrated with lack of significant output I pared all of my painting back to bare bones about five years ago. I churned out some dodgy stuff, and then gradually reintroduced various techniques and layers until I found a compromise that I was happy with, which is what you see on this blog these days.

              Part of that process was using dip, both the Army Painter variety and some home made equivalents. I never use that stuff any more because of the smell and mess and lack of control, but I do use Army Painter Strong Tone Wash and Army Painter Dark Tone Wash to do exactly the same thing form the comfort of my painting area and in a water soluble sort of way.

              I put a wash of Strong tone over pretty much every model that I paint after the base layers are applied. Strong Tone is Devlan Mud essentially (its better actually) and according to the manufacturers the dropper bottle of Strong Tone matches the big stinky can of dip exactly.

              The dip/wash stage is never the final stage on my models though, more of an intermediate stage that gives definition and shading which I then layer up on. That largely takes the grubbiness out of the technique. Painting the wash on also allows for far more control, which in turn avoids many of the awful gungy pools that dipping can create.

              Where time is saved on my models is the absence of any black lining stage and the ability to be (relatively) sloppy when applying the base coats (the wash defines the area edges). Also, dont underestimate the time saved by being able to slop a quite generous amount of Strong Tone all over an entire squad of miniatures with a big, cheap and flat brush either. Its actually my favourite part of the entire process and it takes a lot less time than washing different inks over different areas. It also adds a uniformity to the base colors, almost like a photoshop filter, that help to make the miniature look like it belongs in some sort of visual setting, rather than just being a patchwork of different colours highlighted

              Im not a fan of leaving models at that stage though, I think that they tend to look unfinished. A layer or edge highlight to a few of the areas on the model is what makes them pop and look like finished pieces.

              A bit of a ramble there (I knew that I should have phoned you instead) but thats what I think anyway 🙂 Also notable in ths context is that the blue areas on the models in the post above were here were not treated in that fashion (I was experimenting).


              • Lol I often throw on a Star Trek for painting purposes. Logan’s Run or Forbidden Planet are my favorite thing to have on though for some reason.

                I did not know about this strong tone stuff…thanks for the tip, I will have to investigate it as it definitely sounds more like what I want.

                I really had to plan around the dip stuff to alleviate the issues of pooling gunge and dirty look ruining the composition so stone tone could be the way to go. I was planning to use the dip as an intermediary stage which is similar to how you were working with it.


                • You definitely want the Army Painter “Warpaints Strong Tone Ink” in the dropper bottles in that case, THIS STUFF. The dip is fine as a concept, but its a messy, unruly drag in practice. A wash to do the same thing is far preferable as far as I am concerned. Plus you can easily do that in front of Logans Run.


                  • This strong tone is great stuff, thanks for the tip.


                    • Im glad that its working out for you. Its a very widely used methid, but a lot of people seem to wash the figure at the end of the process, which leaves the figures looking unfinished. The Devlan Mud/Strong Tone stage is pretty much the middle of the process as far as I am concerned.


              • lol I got the strong tone and basically ended up doing exactly what you were doing with it. I didn’t like the dirty look either so I layered on the base colour and 1 highlight stage.


  2. Amazing job on these minis. I especially liked the prone nameless.


    • Thanks very much Gaming Guy.

      The prone Nameless is a little indistinct as sculpts go. I wasnt entirely sure what was going on with the model until I sat down and examined it. As the “sticky” Nameless lacks large amounts of blue areas I was afraid that those prone markers might look a little unfinished AND indistinct. I still do to be honest, but I need some distance before I can be objective about those models anyway.

      But a Gaming Guy thumbs up certainly helps 🙂


  3. I like the stickies. Tippy-toeing around the pitch, with tentacles a-flailing. Remind me of the quarren, from Star Wars.


    • Meh, their faces remind me of the quarren. Not the general pose or flailitude.


      • Yeah, definitely a squid head thing going on. If Star Wars had come out in an era of digital SFX you can bet your ink gland that the Quarren hands and feet would have been like these though.
        I find it hard to imagine sticky Nameless propelling themselves around in a bipedal fashion. Their shtick of lending super-assists is easy to imagine though, presumably wrapping at least three limbs and face around the head of the target.
        Im certain the whole team smells like a fishmongers on a summers day.


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