Emerald Isle Judge

Judge MacO'Conihoonihan

Judge MacO’Conihoonihan

This goofy character is a Judge from the post-nuclear, futuristic theme park remnants of Ireland in the Judge Dredd setting. 

EDIT: I missed a stage of highlighting on the right boot. I will have to go back to that…

Posting a themed St Patricks Day figure is about as close as I get to jingoistic flag waving.  Thankfully the Emerald Isle concept and story which developed the concept couldnt really be described as “reverential”.

2000AD Prog #727

2000AD Prog #727



Those sensitive about geographical stereotypes should probably avoid the Dredd comics in some respects: most regions are depicted in a grossly exaggerated style, with a thick layer of futuristic dystopia added to taste.


I have painted a lot of models over the last couple of years that can be used in the rather broad Judge Dredd setting, but as February 2012 was the last time that I painted/posted any models with direct links to the Dredd stories I decided to work on this model for St Patricks Day, just for fun.  


The model isnt a very inspiring sculpt, however there is no denying the models appropriately gaudy, plastic shamrock style Oirishness, so its apt for this weekends international celebration of… something… booze mainly.

L to R: Judge MacO'Conihoonihan, Marjory, Astro-Pat

L to R: Judge MacO’Conihoonihan, Marjory, Astro-Pat


5 Responses

  1. The miniature came out very nicely. Subtle green combined with the white really makes for a good scheme. The face really stands out and brings the miniature to life. Depending if he has pupils in the comics, I would add them to the face, to round it off.

    The idea of a spud frie gun is actually awesome. I guess the fries must have been very cripsy indeed to end up lodged in his head…


  2. Thanks daggerandbrush.

    The character represents a normal healthy human, so pupils are technically a requirement. As of a few years ago, I dont paint miniature pupils any more under most circumstances though, for the following reasons:

    Its takes ages to get right, to avoid them being too googly or off centre or staring or basically comical and detail like that is never seen in-game anyway, so I dont do it. In an image of this size shown at miniature eye-level the rolled-eye look is more apparent than it would be on a wargame table in front of you.

    I did paint pupils on my miniatures for years, but unless the circumstances are exceptional, I dont do it any more. I do understand the desire to paint them in though, I just resist that desire now.

    Thanks for the feedback.


  3. Ok Sho3box, I finally arrived to visit after a long delay. Holy crap this is an awesome blog. My apologies for not arriving sooner. Great projects, great minis.
    Thanks for sharing all this stuff.

    Maj Guiscard


  4. […] or Ireland, or Eire, or, perhaps in this case – Oireland as so elequently put by Sho3box when he shared this same model in a post some time ago. If you love cringe-inducing “Oirishness”, please do take the […]


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